My university projects
Part of the series University projects (5 posts total).- May 18, 2023 - My university projects
- May 18, 2023 - RoboCup: Autonomous line following robot competition
- Jun 06, 2023 - Hi-Fi amplifier for record players
- Jun 07, 2023 - Homemade embedded CPU on an FPGA
- Jul 02, 2023 - Rule-Based economic control of HVAC system
In 2018, my interest in mathematics gained in gymnasium and my childhood interest in technology lead to me to start studying for a bachelors degree in Electronics and IT, a electrical engineering education at Aalborg University. In 2021 I claimed the degree and continued towards a masters degree in control and automation systems.
At Aalborg University, student projects make up approximately half of the ECTS points and are completed in groups. This was the case for my education too; I’ve been apart of 10 nerdy university projects which I will detail the coming months in celebration of me graduating and acquiring a masters degree.

A montage of the projects I've done each semester at Aalborg University, in order.
Credit goes to my fellow students whose groups I have been part in as we took on the challenging problems each semester. I shall not name them, as they may not want their names on this site. The projects can be found in the index at the top of this page.
Sadly, the content of two of the projects, namely the 7th and 8th semester projects, are under non-disclosure agreements (NDAs). As such I cannot recount the content of these projects in any capacity, except for what companies we collaborated with.
- On my 7th semester I collaborated with the wind turbine design and manufacturing company, Vestas.
- On my 8th semester I collaborated with the company Turf Tank, who design and produce autonomous robots for painting sports fields for football, baseball etc.
Furthermore, my 5th semester was in collaboration with the industrial laundry supplier Jensen-Group while my master project was in collaboration with the refrigeration and air condition control systems company Bitzer. These projects are both freely available. These partnerships have been very educational and I thank the people responsible for making it possible.
Published 18. May 2023
Last modified 19. May 2023